Saturday, 28 November 2009

Ron Stoner surf photographer

Ron Stoner portrait

Ron Stoner was the lost sole of the 60's surf scene the most talented surf photographer of his generation his images now not only document the 1960's surf cultures rise into popular culture but also the rise of the sexual revaluation which was taking place in America.

He really was a complete photographer being one of the first surf photographers to document the whole surf scene and the first surf photographer to use colour film to its full potential.

His simple scene setting images are now set in the traditions of of modern surf photography they set the mood for all his articles and really sum up the surfing lifestyle empty beautiful waves just waiting to be found and surfed.

His photography now is regraded as social documentary having great importance in surf culture, a great lose came to the surfing world Ron was lost in his battle with the effects of schizophrenia brought on by his excess use of LSD. No one knows what happened to him but he was declared missing in 1977 and in 1996 declared dead having not been seen since the early 70's.

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